4/17/2004 02:45:00 PM|W|P|projectpeace|W|P|USDA heads up ARS bio-terrorism vs. Cannabis
More schizophrenic "drug war science" is being conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's
Agricultural Research Service (ARS). Since 1999, Congress has been funding a study that is
preparing to import insect pest species from Eurasia, in 2005, to feed on Cannabis in the United
States (and ofcourse, beyond). Intentionally infesting the American continent with insects
destructive to an unique and essential "strategic" food resource, particularly during a period of
"national emergency"(1) can reasonably be considered ill-advised, if not actually treasonous,
biological warfare. The environmental and economic impact of unleashing non-indigenous pest
species on North America has the potential to ravage an industry whose true value has been
re-discovered in many parts of the world, including the U.S.
The following is excerpt from The Annual Report for "Classical Biological Control of Narcotic
"University of California scientists are now working jointly on this project with ARS personnel.
They have organized overseas cooperators who will conduct foreign exploration trips to identify
new natural enemies of Cannabis sativa in Eurasia and have made preliminary assessments in China
and Kazakhstan. Cooperative projects are now being established with scientific institutions in
each of these countries and research plans are now being made to identify, collect and test
natural enemies of the target plant in each of these countries. UC Davis and ARS scientists have
already visited India and Nepal where some natural enemies were located. Project personnel have
begun assembling the plant growth and testing facilities in the US for quarantine host-specificity
and efficacy evaluations. We expect DEA certification in the fall of 2002 and have been training
personnel on surrogate natural enemies so that Cannabis testing can begin as soon as plant and
insect materials are available. This work is expected to allow the testing and selection of new
effective and safe biological control agents to aid in the management of Cannabis sativa in the
United States."
"Research was initiated on this project at the request of Congress and the State Department to
identify new biologically based methods of controlling marijuana. Cooperating foreign institutions
in Italy, Russia, China and Kazakhstan conducted both field and literature surveys for natural
enemies of Cannabis sativa and selected two primary candidates (Psylliodes attenuata (Coleoptera:
Chrysomelidae) and Cardipennis rubripes (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to begin further
host-specificity and biology research on.
"If eventually found appropriate for use, these agents will be evaluated in US quarantine
facilities and might be used to control cannabis in the United States.
"Such agents will first be evaluated under quarantine conditions, further considered for
effectiveness using newly developed computer simulation models and then finally made available
when determined to be appropriate for general field release and approved by regulatory agencies.
This should lead to the availability of new biological control agents for this narcotic plant."
(End of Document)
To begin with, the unprofessional character of this study can be readily appreciated by pointing
out that Cannabis is not a "narcotic plant." Cannabis is in fact the best available source of
organic vegetable protein on Earth, and a uniquely essential, critically determinate organic
rotational crop.
Biological warfare against the most useful agricultural resource on Earth is a critical mistake.
Clearly this violates common sense, several laws, and international treaties, including the
recently ratified
"Plant genetic resources for food and agriculture are crucial in feeding the world's population.
They are the raw material that farmers and plant breeders use to improve the quality and
productivity of our crops. The future of agriculture depends on international cooperation and on
the open exchange of the crops and their genes that farmers all over the world have developed and
exchanged over 10,000 years. No country is sufficient in itself. All depend on crops and the
genetic diversity within these crops from other countries and regions.
"After seven years of negotiations, the FAO Conference (through Resolution 3/2001) adopted the
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, in November 2001. This
legally-binding Treaty covers all plant genetic resources relevant for food and agriculture. It is
in harmony with the Convention on Biological Diversity.
"The Treaty is vital in ensuring the continued availability of the plant genetic resources that
countries will need to feed their people. We must conserve for future generations the genetic
diversity that is essential for food and agriculture."
(End of Document)
Global System on Plant Genetic Resources
"The development of the Global System on Plant Genetic Resources began in 1983 with the
establishment of the Commission on Plant Genetic Resources (now the Commission on Genetic
Resources for Food and Agriculture - CGRFA). The objectives of the Global System are to ensure the
safe conservation, and promote the availability and sustainable use of plant genetic resources by
providing a flexible framework for sharing the benefits and burdens. The CGRFA, with its
Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture,
monitors and coordinates the development of the Global System."
(End of Document)
Obviously the implications of such irrationality demonstrated in this research go beyond issues of
scientific competence and inconsistency of government policy. In the interest of being somewhat
brief, anyone interested in further analysis and referenced opinion is welcome to visit the newest
of several P.E.A.C.E. blogs, at
for peace,
Paul von Hartmann
Project P.E.A.C.E.
Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Economics
Clinton, President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the
Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (64 Stat. 79 8; 50 U.S.C. App. 2 061, et se q.), and
section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the
United States. THE WHITE HOUSE, June 6, 1994.
"PART IX - GENERAL PROVISIONS (e) "Food resources" means all commodities and products, simple,
mixed, or compound, or complements to such commodities or products, that are capable of being
ingested by either human beings or animals, irrespective of other uses to which such commodities
or products may be put, at all stages of processing from the raw commodity to the products thereof
in vendible form for human or animal consumption. "Food resources" also means all starches,
sugars, vegetable and animal or marine fats and oils, cotton, tobacco, wool, mohair,
See http://formalcomplaint.blogspot.com/
2."Classical Biological Control of Narcotic Plants" ARS Annual Report
4. "Global System on Plant Genetic Resources"
Project P.E.A.C.E. - Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Economics, an individual, global communication and Natural Order of the Arts project
http://www.formalcomplaint.blogspot.com|W|P|108223836552423898|W|P||W|P|projectpeace@gmail.com4/16/2004 01:54:00 PM|W|P|projectpeace|W|P|Medical 'marijuana' , is "the safest therapeutically active substance known to man." (DEA Judge Francis Young, 1988)
This explains much about why an end to prohibition of therapeutic herbs is so vigorously opposed by drug companies. In obvious economic competition with Naturally available Cannabis, the "hard drug" industry cannot afford to allow a truly "free market" economy in agricultural therapeutics.
Against all credible science, prohibition has spuriously categorized Cannabis as a "dangerous drug," in an attempt to obscure the true value of Cannabis as the world's safest herbal therapeutic. In addition, because the seed of the Cannabis plant is the most healing source of essential fatty acids (EFAs) on Earth, "white market" drug companies and other industries profiting from illness, would lose billions of dollars if prohibition were to end. Not coincidentally, these industries comprise the corporate cabal in which our corrupt political elite is heavily vested.
The pharmaceutical industry is one of the richest, most politically influential entities in the world. Corporate "legal drug dealers" buy considerable political clout in order to defeat the competition from Naturally occuring healing herbs. By maintaining prohibition, the drug companies and the politicians vested in them, assure that there is a steady supply of sick people to profit from, falling ill with cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other serious illnesses. It is estimated that 75% of the diseases that are likely to kill people living in developed countries are the result of fat dgeneration at the cellular level (Erasmus). Millions of people are subjected to poor health as the result of prohibition, as they are kept ignorant and cut-off from the healing nutrition of Cannabis seed, and the healing benefits of 'marijuana.'
To a great extent, people limited by prohibition laws are prevented from accessing and developing experience with effective herbal therapeutics. People are effectively forced to consume concentrated chemical medications with serious "side-effects." These "white market" chemical drugs account for more than 120,000 deaths per year in the U.S. alone.
"The drug companies want control, rather than just a ban, for they know the medicinal benefits of marijuana. They have attempted to substitute synthetic derivatives for the raw herb, because the raw herb cannot be patented." - Ed Rosenthal and Steve Kubby, "Why Marijuana Should be Legal"
"On May 21, 2003, GW Pharmaceuticals announced their marketing partnership with Bayer AG. GW Pharmaceuticals and Bayer AG have entered into an exclusive marketing agreement for GW's cannabis-based medicinal extract product, to be marketed under the brand name Sativex."
"According to Reuters, Bayer will pay GW up to 25 million pounds ($41 million US) for exclusive rights to market Sativex in Britain. Dr Guy told Reuters he was comfortable with analyst forecasts of peak annual sales of 250 million pounds in initial markets of Europe and Canada. Shares in GW shot up on news of the deal."
--'Pharmaceutical pot alert' by David Malmo-Levine (15 Mar, 2004)
(End of Document)
The criminal activities of George Bush include comprimizing the office of the President to afford tax breaks to industries in which Bush has "politiconomic" ties and interests.
The following article "Tax Breaks For Donors" may be found in its entirety at
By David Donnelly, Director, Campaign Money Watch
April 15, 2004
Some of the nation’s wealthiest CEOs have been so energized to support President Bush’s campaign that they have personally raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for him.
As Americans file their income tax forms today, this special edition Special Interest Spotlight provides a glimpse into one reason (for some there are many) why some of these titans of finance, insurance, and other industries are so personally supportive of President Bush:
His tax cuts saved them an extraordinary large amount of money.
Here is a look at just six of Bush’s super-fundraisers:
Name of Bush fundraiser
2003 total compensation
Est. min. tax savings from Bush :
Henry McKinnell
CEO, Pfizer
Raised $200,000+ for Bush
$11.9 million
$244,214 Est. min. tax savings from Bush
(Note: See http://www.pfizer.com/do/medicines/mn_geodon_managing.html#fourteen for specific reference to the dangers of "pot" at Pfizer's website, grouped with such chemical drugs as alcohol, cocaine, "crack" and "speed." -PvH)
E. Stanley O’Neal
CEO, Merrill Lynch
Raised $500,000+ for Bush
$8.8 million
$351,900 Est. min. tax savings from Bush
Charles Cawley
CEO, MBNA America
Raised $200,000+ for Bush
$29.1 million
$276,000 Est. min. tax savings from Bush
William McGuire
CEO, UnitedHealth Group
Raised $100,000+ for Bush
$9.5 million
$329,866 Est. min. tax savings from Bush
Dwight Schar
Raised $200,000+ for Bush
$94.3 million
$138,000 Est. min. tax savings from Bush
Maurice Greenberg
CEO, American International Group
Raised $200,000+ for Bush
$29.4 million
$276,000 Est. min. tax savings from Bush
The information in this chart comes from Forbes.com, WhiteHouseForSale.org, and National Journal. The minimum tax savings from the Bush tax cut is estimate based upon calculating the portion of 2003 income, as reported by Forbes.com, that each CEO received in direct pay and bonuses multiplied by the new lower tax rate of 35%, as opposed to the 39.6% rate before Bush took office.
The Special Interest Spotlight is a regular report on money in politics. It is published by Campaign Money Watch, a nonprofit campaign finance reform group that holds candidates accountable for the special favors they do for their contributors and for opposing comprehensive reform.
Please pass this along to other interested people.
(End of Document)
The following information points out how people working to heal nutritionally deficient children, occupy the same organization that's developing biological strategies to eliminate the most nutritious food on Earth. Because of the exceptional healing properties of Cannabis seed, and Cannabis seed oil, I would suggest that one potent therapy worth trying is inclusion of these foods into the diets of FTT children (and their parents!). Cannabis oil slows digestion, cleans cholesterol from the blood, rebuilds the cells walls of the intestines, all of which allows for more complete digestion and more efficient absorbtion of nutrients. The effects of injesting Cannabis seed, improving the vitality in every system in our bodies, makes Cannabis the first choice for a nutritional therapeutic approach to healing.
USDA / Agricultural Research Service
Date: 2003-12-30
"Scientists Investigate Childhood Nutrition Mystery's Causes, Effects"
Scientists funded by the Agricultural Research Service are investigating how nutrition may affect children who develop normally in most ways but grow slowly in the first three years of life. Pediatricians describe this condition as "failure to thrive" (FTT).
Children with FTT fall behind their peers not only physically but also in learning the basic school skills of reading, spelling and arithmetic. Unlike children who simply don't grow as tall as their peers, FTT children apparently fail to make use of adequate nutrition to grow and gain weight as expected.
ARS, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's chief scientific research agency, is funding research at the Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center (ACNC), which is managed in cooperation with ARS and the Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little Rock, Ark.
Roscoe A. Dykman and Terry Pivik, psychophysiologists at the center's Brain Functions Laboratory, are interested in how children diagnosed with FTT utilize what they eat, and how this impacts their brains and behavior.
It's not known whether FTT is a disorder that blocks or interferes with nutrient absorption or if it is caused by lower-than-normal food intake. Either way, it results in central nervous system dysfunctions.
What's Related
Five-Year-Old Girls With High Cholesterol Are More Likely To Be Overweight At Age Twelve
Elimination Of Household Allergens And Pollutants Could Reduce Asthma Nearly 40 Percent
High Rate Of Heart-Related Deaths Found In HIV-Infected Children
(End of Document)
Speaking from my own experience, the nutritional benefits of Cannabis seed, combined with relaxational benefits of Cannabis essential oils and 'marijuana' vaporizing therapy, is an ideal combination of complimentary, holistic healthcare, which affords me with optimum health, and energy.
|W|P|108215113558767535|W|P||W|P|projectpeace@gmail.com4/16/2004 07:56:00 AM|W|P|projectpeace|W|P|Knowledge, observations and references presented here are intended to delineate the obvious, direct correlation between prohibition of the world's most useful, nutritious, and potentially abundant rotational crop, and our species degenerative slide toward extinction. Inevitably, the lack of a functionally determinate resource results in armed aggression, analogous to the violent behavior observed in rats attacking each other in a resource deficient cage.
The direct relationship between Cannabis prohibition and the war in Iraq is quite fundamental and tragically predictable. Cannabis prohibition has induced essential resource scarcity (ERS) for sixty-seven years. Over time, this has resulted in a warped environmental, economic, and social dynamic which has skewed the values, laws and spiritual integrity of our species.
These perverse and avoidable dynamics include wars to acquire the world's principle energy resource, petroleum. At the same time, moralistic "drug wars" are being used to play on people's fears, employing false morality to perpetuate an insidious dynamic of intolerance, which legitimizes and empowers the Economics of Punishment.
For more further explanation of these relationships by Paul J. von Hartmann, please see the following:
All writing by Paul J. von Hartmann is available to anyone, to distribute and republish. The author requests notification of such distributuion. Anyone interested in contacting Project P.E.A.C.E. is invited to do so at projectpeace@yahoo.com
|W|P|108212814546075390|W|P||W|P|projectpeace@gmail.com4/16/2004 07:51:00 AM|W|P|projectpeace|W|P|This was written in response to an article in Salon entitled "Turning into Israel?" by Juan Cole.
The full article is located at http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2004/04/16/israel/
Dr. Cole is professor of Modern Middle Eastern and South Asian History at the University of Michigan and author of "Sacred Space and Holy War" (IB Tauris, 2002).
Dear Salon Editors,
The unlawful regime occupying the White House ought to be occupying "The Big House." By any measure, Bush & Co are traitors and criminals, operating against the U.S. Constutution and the Rule of Law, in Iraq, within the United States, and in other countries all over the world.
For Americans to regain credibility within the global community, the people of the U.S. must reign-in and hold accountable, our lying cowboy President and prosecute him for crimes against humanity. Otherwise, the terrorism will never stop.
One example of such unaccountable atrocities is the use of depleted uranium (DU) bombs in Iraq. In addition to inflicting immeasureable harm on people exposed to DU (including U.S. soldiers), the effects of radiation are spreading to those as yet unborn, manifested in birth defects due to the persistent contamination.
Another example of criminal neglience and abuse of power is the continued spraying of glyphosate, linked by scientists to the spread of Fusarium oxysporum. Glyphosate is being used to eradicate Cannabis and other therapeutically active crops, in the U.S. and South America. The only measureable effect drug eradication efforts have is to drive up the price of prohibited plants on the illegal black market. In the U.S., the drug war wastes $50 Billion per year in counter-productive policies, exposing people to a variety of dangers resulting from the dynamics being created.
It has been pointed out that if someone wanted to disperse biological agents (i.e. anthrax) throughout the U.S. population, then infection of the illegal drug supply would be an effective means of doing so. Because prohibition obviates regulation and control of drugs, while economically empowering the distributors of illegal substances, this is one danger that cannot be minimized or ignored.
Until the people of the United States fully acknowledge that our governmnet has perpetrated illegal actions and demands accountability for crimes which have been committed, then the equally violent and illegal reactions from people being wronged will continue. The rogue behavior of the Bush administration is the worst possible threat this nation faces. It is unconscionable to allow blatant violations of the principles upon which this country was founded. To condone the flagrant abuses of power which BushCo and Ariel Sharon are guilty of, invites retalliation.
Certainly there is no justification for "terrorism." Two wrongs have never made a right. The fact remains, however, that the U.S. political machine has been used to kill innocent people in Iraq first. When people are attacked, they will strike back in any way they can.
As the U.S continues to kill innocent people in Iraq, there is nothing more certain than the inevitability of another terrorist attack in the U.S. Unless the people of the United States honor justice and law, by impeaching George Bush and allowing judgement by an objective, criminal court, then the terrorists will be further empowered by the illegal and immoral activities of the Bush regime, in which the American people are being conscripted.
for peace,
Paul J. von Hartmann
Project P.E.A.C.E.
Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Economics